Meeting a challenge with an “abundance of joy” | 2 Corinthians 8:2

Devotional Journal
“Leaning IN” Sermon Series
Our primary goal is not to raise money but to make disciples. So, Leaning In is first, a discipleship journey that we are asking everyone to go on. We are calling everyone at Valley Life Church to Lean In as we step out in faith into all that God has for us and for our church family moving forward. This is BIG, and we cannot do it alone.

We are better together. If everyone does 100% of what God asks them to do, we will accomplish all that God wants us to accomplish. This includes each of us joining together to pray fervently, commit fully, cheer loudly, and give generously.


While we have set a financial target of $2.1 million dollars over the next two years, the primary aim with our secondary goal is for everyone at Valley Life Church to grow in generosity through, LEANING IN. Generosity is a heart issue, and therefore a discipleship issue. Our hope is for a “Wealth of generosity” (2 Cor. 8:2) over financial wealth. And we believe this “wealth of generosity” will help us accomplish all that God has in store for Valley Life in the next two years.


Phase 2 of the project will come at a later date and will include building out the patio space between the Community Center and our main auditorium. Now, should we exceed our financial goal during the LEANING IN initiative, we will be able to sooner begin phase 2.

Because the primary goal of LEANING IN is about discipleship, we decided against a more traditional “building campaign”. Again, what we are hoping to accomplish is bigger than just a building.

So, instead of giving towards multiple funds (e.g., general fund, building fund, mission fund, etc), we will be combining all generosity into One Fund for the next two years. This fund will include all the day-to-day ministry (i.e., regular budget) as well as what we hope to accomplish with our facility.


Looking back, this will not be the first time that God has called us to LEAN IN as a church. And every time, it was a challenge and a risk, but in the end, it was rewarding. Looking at Scripture, this is how God chooses to work more often than not, for His glory and our good. And so, I could not be more excited about what is ahead for our church family. Will it be hard? I’m sure it will be. Will it be scary? At times, probably. But will it be worth it? How could it not be! I’m LEANING IN! What about you?

LEANING IN Initiative Begins >> OCT. 15

Advance Commitment Event >> NOV. 5

Commitment Sunday >> NOV. 12

First Big Give Sunday >> DEC. 3


Jake & Tia Reinhart

Jay & Nancy Robeck | Sam & Abby Lalley

Ed & Debbie Patton

Alton & Sabrina Lozier

Advance Commitment Night: Testimonials

Advance Commitment Night: AUDIO ONLY